what i wish would look like this...
calm, cool, collected
probably looks more like this:
anxious, frantic and in danger of dropping everything.
Healthy work environments include healthy perspectives on your work. Recognizing what you can do as well as what you cannot do.
For some of us that requires more effort on restructuring so we can even being to understand what is a priority and what is not. For some of us that meets having the strength to just say "no" to things we really don't have the time, desire, or ability to accomplish.
For some of us it means getting up and actually doing all the things we've said we're going to do. This creates a healthy sense of pride for our work and seeing that we can achieve good things will motivate us to continue achieving our goals.
I often stress the importance of simplifying, streamlining & prioritizing as well as letting your actions speak for you. Recognizing what you can do and also what you can't; but you know what? Sometimes it's just good to cross something off the list...cross anything off the list. And don't cheat like I do sometimes (you know, adding something you've already done and then crossing it off). Sometimes you have to put your shoes on and just start running--just get something done!Most people who say they're not runners
never even get their shoes on.
Jonathan Golden
The past couple weeks, along side my brilliant team members, I've been working on cementing the information and acceptance packets for the Bukonya Excursions planned for Dec 2009 and Summer 2010.
So I've started running. And you know what? I think I kind of like it.
Know why?
Because next week I won't be telling you I'm working on the excursions, I'll be telling you they're DONE!
Let's have shoes that look like this!!!!
So tune in next week. It's gonna be a sight to behold.
Kind of like this: